Carpenters Local 252

Pay Dues

Pay Dues Online

Secure online payments are processed via
Note: When asked for your customer ID use your UBC number on all screens when submitting dues payments below. Format U-XXXX-XXXX

If you would like to make a payment for past dues owed prior to April 2025, which are $21.00 per month, Early Retiree and Retired Members dues amounts have not changed.
click the button below to pay past Regular Member dues:

Pay Past Dues Here


How To Pay Your Dues

Note: Effective on April 1, 2025 Regular member Union dues
will increase to $25.00 per month

You are responsible for paying your membership dues even when you are not working. Dues are payable monthly. We appreciate your prompt payment.

Amount: $25 per month.
Due date: The first day of each month.
How to pay: By credit card, check, or money order or online on this page.

Check or money order  -  mail your payment to:
Mill Cabinet Local 252
PO Box 824541
Philadelphia, PA 19182-4541

Questions? Call (215) 569-0340 Monday through Friday from 7AM to 3PM.

A member falls into arrears on the last day of the month in which he or she owes three months' dues. A member who owes three months' dues shall not be entitled to a seat or office in any meetings of the Local Union, is not in good standing, and is not entitled to vote. If dues are not paid by the end of the sixth month, the member's name shall be stricken from the list of membership without a vote of the Local Union.